Making the coat of arms, state, country, city.
The coat of arms can be changed according to your desire, size, color.
Coat of Arms of Great Britain
Wood: Beech
Size: 500x400x30 mm.
Coat of arms of the USA
Wood: Beech
Size: 500x400x30 mm.
סמל ישראל
גודל 500x400 מ"מ.
עץ, אשור
Danmarks våbenskjold
Størrelse 500x400 mm.
Træ, bøg
Грб Србије
Дрво: буква
Величина: 500к400к30мм
Norges våpenskjold
Tre: Bøk
Størrelse: 500x400x30mm
Coat of arms of Hungary
Magyarország címerét
Size: 500X340X30mm.
Wood: beech
Backing: velvet
Frame: Polyurethane
Coat of arms of Croatia
Grb Hrvatske
Size: 500X400X40mm.
Wood: beech
Backing: velvet
Frame: Polyurethane
Grb Slovenije
Velikost: 500X400X40mm.
Les: bukev
Podloga: Žamet
Okvir: Poliuretan
Štátny znak Slovenska
Veľkosť: 500X400X40mm.
Drevo: buk
Podklad: zamat
Rám: PU
Coat of arms of Turkey
Türkiye arması
Size: 500X400X30mm.
Wood: beech
Backing: velvet
Frame: Polyurethane
Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Grb Bosne i Hercegovine
Size: 500X400X40mm.
Wood: beech
Backing: velvet
Frame: Polyurethane
Coat of arms of Greece.
εθνόσημο της Ελλάδας
Size: 500X400X30mm.
Wood: beech
Backing: velvet
Frame: Polyurethane
Escudo de armas de españa
Tamaño: 400X340X40mm.
Escudo: MDF
Madera: Haya
Stemma del Vaticano
Legno: faggio
Dimensione: 360х300ж23мм
Copertura: doratura (potassio), velluto
Coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire
Wood: Beech
Size: 500x400x30mm
Covering: gilding, velvet, lacquer
Coat of arms of the United Arab Emirates
Size: 520X420X40mm.
Wood: beech
Backing: velvet
Frame: Polyurethane
شعار دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
Suomen vaakuna
Puu: Pyökki
Koko: 520x420x40mm.
Pinnoite: lakka, sametti
Coat of arms of scotland
Wood: Beech
Size: 500x400x40mm
Covering: velvet, lacquer
Bundeswappen Deutschlands
Holz: Buche
Größe: 500x400x40vmm.
Überzug: Samt, Lack
Stemma d'Italia
Albero: faggio
Dimensioni: 350x290x27 mm
Rivestimento: vernice, doratura,
Coat of arms of Ireland
Wood: beech
Size: 310x240x21mm
Covering: gilding (potassium), velvet
Herb Polski
Drewno: buk
Rozmiar: 310x240x21mm
Pokrycie: złocenie (potas), aksamit
Coat of Arms USA
Wood: Beech
Size: 300x300x25mm
Covering: lacquer
Coat of Arms USA
Wood: Beech
Size: 360x300x23mm
Covering: gilding, velvet, lacquer
Escudo de España
Madera: Haya
Tamaño: 360x300x23mm
Cubrir: dorado, terciopelo, laca
Coat of arms of Australia
Wood: beech
Size: 300x360x22mm
Covering: gilding, velvet
Armoiries de France
Bois: Hêtre
Taille: 360x300x23mm
Couvrant: dorure, velours, laque
Brasão de Portugal
Madeira: Faia
Tamanho: 360x300x23mm
Cobrindo: dourado, veludo, laca
Coat of arms of the European Union
Wood: Beech
Size: 360x300x23mm
Covering: gilding, velvet, lacquer